
Why did I create this blog?

My initial intentions are purely selfish. I want to help keep myself accountable as I begin following the Ketogenic lifestyle.  In fact, I initially started this as a private blog. However, in my research and planning for this new lifestyle, I realized that there are not a lot of blogs out there dedicated to teacher self care. I decided to make this a public place to share my successes and failures on this journey. Today's social media seems to be all about people's best moments. Life is not like that at all. I want to share my successes with you, of course, but if you can learn something from my failures too I want to share those as well.

Women are generally caregivers. We often care for our families and friends before we take care of ourselves. Teachers have this same habit. We take care of what our students need before we take care of ourselves. How many times have you stayed up late planning for tomorrow's lessons, making something that you can't find online, or even just losing sleep because you're worried about "that kid" in your class? Our students deserve to have teachers who are healthy, who get enough sleep, and who care as deeply about themselves as they do others.

As I've grown older, I've discovered that I need adequate sleep in order to function properly in my day. I wear a fitbit Charge 2 tracker to help me see if I am getting enough sleep each night. Now I'm determined to change my eating habits to get to a healthier weight and to have more energy to take care of myself in the evenings.

If I can help even one other teacher out there, it will be worth the effort. I hope you enjoy my posts.
